Full version cheats - type these in the console

GOD<>Godmode on/off

NOCLIP<>Noclipping on/off

NOTARGET<>Enemys donīt recognice you on/off

CHANGELEVEL X<>Changes level (x0level name)

RESTART<>Restarts the level

MANE X<>Changes your mane(x=new mane)

GIVE H X<>Gives health (x=ammount of health. Maximum 999

GIVE 2<>Gives weapon 2

GIVE 3<>Gives weapon 3

GIVE 4<>Gives weapon 4

IMPULSE 9<>All weapons/mana

IMPULSE 14<>Gives you a sheep

IMPULSE 23<>Torch

IMPULSE 43<>All weapons/mana/items

IMPULSE 44<>Throws a item

IMPULSE 10<>Change weapon

IMPULSE 13<>Lift object

IMPULSE 100<>Uses the torch

IMPULSE 101<>Uses the quartz flask

IMPULSE 102<>Uses the mystic urn

IMPULSE 103<>Uses the krater

IMPULSE 104<>Uses the chaos device

IMPULSE 105<>Uses the tome of tower

IMPULSE 106<>Uses the summon stn

IMPULSE 107<>Uses the invisibility

IMPULSE 108<>Uses the glyph

IMPULSE 109<>Uses the boots

IMPULSE 110<>Uses the repulsion

IMPULSE 111<>Uses the no peep

IMPULSE 112<>Uses the ring of flight

IMPULSE 113<>Uses the force cube

IMPULSE 114<>Uses the icon defn

CHASE_ACTIVE 1<>Chase mode (camera)
